Have you ever considered growing long nails? Did you discover that your cute nails are too brittle to maintain at a longer length? Well, whether you have nails that you grow naturally or you get your nails done professionally, there are plenty of long nail designs that you can put on your nails, regardless of their length. Most of the designs that you can use on longer nails can also be used on shorter nails, so if you are growing your nails out, you can still use some of the fun ideas that we are going to cover in this guide.
Though many of these nail designs are pretty simple to create, there are some ideas in this gallery that you will find to have intricate designs that will take a bit of practice to perfect. In general, the longer your nails are, the easier it is to create some of the more detailed designs (if you have shorter nails, chrome nails might be something to look into). Some of the ideas that we are going to look at are designed for square nails, while others will look better on rounded nails. There are also styles for coffin nails, oval nails, and stiletto nails to consider.
One of the most enjoyable parts of having long nails is being able to paint and decorate them so that they match the clothing that you are wearing. You can have your nails all painted to look the same color, you can keep a natural looking nail that only has a design on the tips, or you can create a look that flaunts an accent nail. You can even add gems to enhance the design of your nails; a single accent gem will look great with your evening wear, but a series of gems may complete a look that you are aiming for with a costume design. Let’s take a look at some long nail art designs so that you can find the best options for your next manicure.