Are you looking for a gorgeous new nail color to rock this spring and summer? Check out our list of 21+ periwinkle nails with periwinkle nail polish inspiration and periwinkle nail designs to try at your next manicure!
Creativity is the strongest unique point of nails. Creative and novel style nail ideas are easy to attract girls who are especially interested in, from floral patterns to cute icon images. Each set of nails has different styles. There is a Korean style set or a stylized French trend set...
Let’s be reaƖ. As much ɑs we love long, Һighly detailed mɑnicᴜɾes, they’re just not suitable for daily life. NoƄody wanTs their fresҺƖy done acrylics to break in the mιddle of theiɾ worк. On tҺe other hɑnd, short nɑils ɑre much more ρɾacticaƖ and can Ƅe sTunning too! they won’T...
Taking a cue from amazing hair trends, nail designs are crossing over into the world of ombre nails and delicate color blends. We know how “extra” winter can get on our hands, so we love how nail fashion has just stepped up its game to new styles and fashionable winter...
We love Thanksgiving, and not just because it’s an excuse to come home and visit family members we miss so much. It’s not even because it’s an excuse to eat as much mashed potato as possible in our stomachs. (Although we’re being honest, it’s up there). We love it because...